Your conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who arrive on your website and take the intended action, such as downloading a piece of content, making a purchase, or signing up for your newsletter. Improving your conversion rate is extremely important because it’s an affordable way to maximize...
Sliders are a widely used design feature on website homepages for businesses of all kinds. Part of their popularity is because organizations have a hard time making a decision on a single message to share with new visitors, lack the capability of personalization, lack a data-driven testing process,...
There are a number of important benefits to be gained by integrating Hubspot marketing with your Shopify ecommerce site. When you use these two tools together, your company is able to leverage critical customer and purchasing data from your shopping cart with Hubspot’s powerful inbound marketing,...
Websites play a vital role in business today. For most companies, websites are the primary representation of a brand and their top lead generation engine. A website may live at the center of most marketing efforts, including top-of-the-funnel demand generation, lead generation, sales enablement,...
The last thing any organization wants is to be left with unsold tickets on event day. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to make sure your online ticket sales are as strong as possible, by strategically promoting and spreading the word about your event on your website, blog posts and...
Large enterprises have unique objectives when it comes to SEO. While smaller organizations are looking to educate people about their company, enterprises tend to have brand recognition already. Especially for large organizations in the rapidly advancing technology space, their goals are to maintain...
Seeing as the marketing world is a buzz with talk of Google Tag Manager, or GTM, we’ve created the following resource to summarize what GTM Is, why it’s important, and the eight key benefits it offers to your organization. What is Google Tag Manager? Google Tag Manager is a free tool that...
Growth hacking is a marketing technique that has been championed by technology startups that achieved rapid user adoption. It involves using creativity, social metrics, analytical thinking, and data to gain exposure for your brand and achieve exponential, sustainable, and scalable growth in a very...
The marketing world is a buzz with its latest obsession: growth hacking. Known as the strategy that helped brands like Facebook, Uber, and DropBox achieve astounding growth during their start-up phases, growth hacking is the art and science of finding relevant ways to use your product, data,...
Mobile fundraising is taking the nonprofit world by storm – primarily because it’s so effective and the user adoption trend toward mobile is increasing dramatically.Mobile fundraising involves organizations reaching out and connecting with current and potential supporters via mobile device, which...